Blackjack Switch

Blackjack switch is regarded to the variant of blackjack which allows gamblers to use what is usually called as a traditional type of cheating: trade cards. Everything that player has to do is to place 2 equal bets and which can then switch any 2 card which is given to every of these hands. Nowadays, Blackjack Switch can be played at online casinos of Playtech, moreover, it can be found at various traditional casinos in Russia and Las Vegas.Blackjack Switch is compared to Spanish 21 but still it has some differences.

Blackjack Switch Rules

  • The Blackjack Switch rules are based on the regular blackjack game.
  • Up to 8 decks are allowed.
  • The croupier had to hit on the soft 17s.
  • Cards should be dealt with their faces up.
  • The croupier peeks for a blackjack if he gets a face-up ten or ace. If a blackjack combination is present, all gamblers will automatically lose but except if they have a blackjack, too (resulting in a push).
  • If gamblers want to switch for a blackjack, the hand will count for 21 points overall.
  • Gamblers may double on 2 cards of their choosing.
  • Gamblers may double after splits.
  • Gamblers may keep re-splitting until they have 4 hands.
  • Winning blackjacks pay out even money.
  • In Russia, the game rules are the same, but early surrender is allowed, the croupier doesn't take hole cards moreover he also should stand with soft 17s.

The House Edge

The rules in Las Vegas say that the croupier has to hit soft 17s if 6 decks are used, while switched blackjack`s sums a total value of 21 with a house edge equal to 0.58%. Look at some house edge influences that come with these rule variations:

  • 8 decks equal to +0.02%.
  • In an instant, switched blackjacks win at -0.40%.
  • Automatic winners of blackjack game equal to -0.21%.
  • The croupier should stand with soft 17s for -0.30%.
  • A house edge is usually 0.20%, in Russia, provided an early surrender versus an ace can be done.
As you see, in order to master blackjack variations and succeed in the new games, you also need to know blackjack basics.